How to develop Finch

- Finch


This entry describes the basic commands and the configurations for developing Finch on Intel Mac.


Basic Settings

When you build Finch on M3 MacBook Air, vmType and rosetta in ~/.finch/finch.yaml must be set as follows.

haytok ~/workspace/finch [main]
> cat ~/.finch/finch.yaml
cpus: 4
memory: 6GiB
vmType: vz
rosetta: true

Basic commands

Init VM

haytok finch
> ./_output/bin/finch vm init
INFO[0000] Initializing and starting Finch virtual machine...
INFO[0110] Finch virtual machine started successfully

Check VM status

haytok finch
> ./_output/bin/finch vm status

Stop VM

haytok finch 
> ./_output/bin/finch vm stop
INFO[0000] Stopping existing Finch virtual machine...
INFO[0005] Finch virtual machine stopped successfully

Start VM

haytok finch 
> ./_output/bin/finch vm start
INFO[0000] Starting existing Finch virtual machine...
INFO[0039] Finch virtual machine started successfully

Remove VM

haytok finch 
> ./_output/bin/finch vm remove
INFO[0000] Removing existing Finch virtual machine...
INFO[0000] Finch virtual machine removed successfully

Access VM

haytok finch [main]
> LIMA_HOME=/Users/haytok/workspace/finch/_output/lima/data/ /Users/haytok/workspace/finch/_output/lima/bin/limactl shell finch
[haytok@lima-finch finch]$


Run specific tests

go test -run TestSettingsVMAction_run

Configuration 1

The following network error may occur when executing the make command.

pkg/lima/wrapper/lima_wrapper.go:10:2: Get "": dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout

This error can be resolved by setting environment variables.

haytok finch
> export GOPROXY=direct


Configuration 2

Setup for local tests using local common-tests repository.

go mod edit -replace
